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Overcoming Fear in Business: Unpacking the Four Fs with Viv | EP251

July 22, 20243 min read

"Survival: The Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, response ." - the four Fs

EP 251


In the latest episode of the Mindset & Action podcast, we delve into how fear influences our business decisions. Guest expert Viv unpacks the four Fs of fear: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn (or "please"), offering valuable insights for anyone seeking to understand and navigate professional fears. These fear responses, often rooted in childhood, can manifest in business behaviours such as under pricing services or avoiding challenging tasks. Viv emphasises that understanding these responses can lead to better management and improved business practices.

The episode begins by exploring the four Fs in a business context. Viv explains that these fear responses are not limited to physical danger but apply to everyday business scenarios. For instance, a people-pleasing (fawn) behaviour might result in under pricing services or accommodating unreasonable client requests, driven by a desire to fit in or avoid conflict—a tendency many of us learn from a young age.

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The fight response, manifesting as aggressive sales tactics or overly assertive behaviour in meetings, is another fear state discussed. While sometimes beneficial, it can alienate colleagues and clients. Viv suggests finding a balance between assertiveness and collaboration to navigate this response effectively. The flight response, characterised by avoidance and procrastination, often stems from fear of failure or success. Real-life examples illustrate how recognising and addressing this pattern can lead to proactive steps in business.

Viv also addresses the freeze response, likening it to a "rabbit in the headlights" feeling where fear leads to inaction. This response, often associated with anxiety, can be paralyzing. Developing strategies to overcome this state is crucial for business success. Self-awareness and compassion are key in navigating these fear responses. By understanding our triggers and reactions, we can make more informed decisions and envision how our best selves would handle challenging situations.

ep251 Mindset & Action Podcast

Client stories further illustrate these fear responses in action. One client, despite being highly qualified, feared quoting high prices for her services, leading to avoidance and procrastination. By working through these fears, she eventually presented her quote confidently and secured the job. The episode also touches on the fear of success, which can lead to self-sabotage due to fears of additional responsibilities and scrutiny. Understanding this fear helps set realistic goals and foster a healthier relationship with success.


The episode concludes with practical tips for identifying and managing fear responses. Viv encourages listeners to observe their behaviour in business situations over a week and identify which of the four Fs they exhibit. This self-awareness is the first step towards making positive changes. By understanding the four Fs of fear and developing strategies to manage them, we can unlock our full potential and foster more effective business practices.

Bye For Now!

Donna XoX

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

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